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Latest News: Market Conditions

June Metro Denver Market Review

Seasonality, persistently higher interest rates, and increased inventory characterized the Denver real estate market in June. At the end of the month, we had 10,214 active listings in the eleven-county Denver metro area, marking the highest level since September 2013.

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May Metro Denver Market Review

The Denver real estate market experienced notable shifts in May 2024, influenced significantly by persistent higher interest rates. As of June 3rd, there are 9,159 active listings in the eleven-county Denver metro area, the highest number since 2012. For context,

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April Metro Denver Market Review

April brought a mix of optimism and challenges to the Denver real estate market, with resilient buyers driving continued activity despite financing pressures. Despite challenges posed by rising interest rates, buyers remained resilient, eager to seize opportunities presented by increased

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Navigating the Changing Landscape of Real Estate: Understanding the Recent NAR Settlement

Recent events have brought significant changes to the forefront of the ever-evolving world of real estate, sparking discussions and raising questions about the role of real estate agents and the commission structures associated with buying and selling homes. As a

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March Metro Denver Market Review

March marked a pivotal moment for the Denver real estate market, ushering in spring with a boom in activity marked by industry developments and market dynamics. From February, March brought a 16.27% increase in new listings and ended with a

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February Metro Denver Market Review

The market is blooming, even if spring hasn’t officially sprung here in Denver. Active listings are up 45.87% from last year to 5,511 homes. Pending listings, 3,514, are outpacing new, 4,243, but increased buyer activity this month will continue to

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January Metro Denver Market Review

As we delve into the latest developments in the Denver real estate market, the backdrop of the broader economy sets an optimistic tone. A robust GDP growth rate of 2.5% in 2023 and promising signs for the future set the

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December Metro Denver Market Review

Last year, Denver’s real estate market faced the hurdles of limited inventory and seemingly relentless interest rate hikes. Despite these challenges, a balance emerged, offering stability for both buyers and sellers.  Sellers bid farewell to the frenzy of multiple weekend

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November Metro Denver Market Review

In November, the Denver Metro Area’s real estate market showcased significant seasonal shifts and unique opportunities for both buyers and sellers. When examining November’s data, contrasting narratives emerge. Comparing November 2023 to November 2022 reveals marginal differences: active listings increased

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October Metro Denver Market Review

Denver’s real estate market is dynamic, embodying a critical balance between challenges and opportunities. While the anticipated seasonal slowdown hit Denver in October with a 16.84% decrease in inventory month over month, active inventory was actually up 2.63% from last

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1407 Jersey St, Montclair Duplex

September 2023 Denver Market Update

As the Denver weather cools down, so does the real estate market. Increasing mortgage rates and inventory have created a much different environment than the busy summer season, creating new opportunities. New listings have dropped 5.92% from August, but we

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August Market Update 2023

As we delve into the August Metro Denver real estate market stats, rates and inventory are two strong influences. Buyers continue to take time to get comfortable with current mortgage rates, all while there is still a significant inventory crunch.

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July Market Update 2023

Amid persisting interest rates and rising average days in the MLS, the Denver market still shows signs of strength and tenacity. Inventory was slightly elevated this month at 6,299 homes for sale, a 3.76% increase from last month. Median home

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June 2023 Market Update

The Denver real estate market is undergoing a period of adjustment as buyers face continued rate increases and sellers manage the higher expectations of buyers.  The height of summer often marks the beginning of a slower season in Denver as

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May 2023 Market Update

The Denver real estate market showcases resilience and adaptability as the summer season unfolds, despite mortgage rates ticking above 7% and limited inventory challenges. While the market may feel slightly different, buyers and sellers remain optimistic and committed to navigating

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April 2023 Market Update

The Denver metro market continues to experience limited inventory as the spring selling season picks up. Average days on the market was down 21.62% to 29 days, and the average home price was up to 2.56% to $682,061. These positive

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2023 Property Tax Valuations

Many homeowners in Colorado were surprised when they received their property tax valuation notices this spring. Denver County saw an average increase of 33%, while Douglas County experienced a 47% increase. The median increase in the state was 40%. These

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March 2023 Market Update

The end of March marks the beginning of spring for the Denver Metro market, so where do we stand? At month’s end, listings were up 19.53%, and closed homes were up 32.29% month over month. This increased activity has brought

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February 2023 Market Update

After a chilly January, February in Denver saw both the weather and the market heat up. While mortgage rates remain a significant factor, homes are still selling as rates change. Higher rates have trained buyers to be incredibly discerning, but

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January 2023 Market Update

January in Denver, we saw many classic signs of the real estate market reawakening, with new listings up 65.20% and pending listings up 50.61%. Still, those worried about a runaway seller’s market have some hope. Considering year-over-year data, January was

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2022 Market Update

The Denver real estate market in 2022 told two contrasting stories; the late winter and spring had continued the frenetic and competitive pace of the last two years in response to historically low-interest rates. Buyers often waived all or some

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November 2022 Market Update

Even as buyers and sellers continue to have confidence in the value of Denver homes, inventory and interest rates have undeniable influences. The economic shifts in 2022 completely upended the pace of the Denver market. Inventory jumped 178.16% from 2,248

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October 2022 Market Update

The current marketplace is giving buyers what was basically unheard of in the last couple of years; time. This fall, we are feeling the seasonality of the Denver market like we haven’t since 2019. By considering both the month-to-month, and

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September 2022 Market Update

The Denver market is a classic example of supply and demand. After years of unsustainable demand, interest rates have made many buyers take pause. The pause means there are 7,683 active listings in Denver with an average of 26 days

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August 2022 Market Update

In what felt like a blink of an eye, we find ourselves on the fall side of summer. As with many Augusts, we saw a seasonal shift in the Denver Metro market in addition to rising interest rates. Inventory is

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