Latest News: Owner Resources

2023 Property Tax Valuations
Many homeowners in Colorado were surprised when they received their property tax valuation notices this spring. Denver County saw an average increase of 33%, while Douglas County experienced a 47% increase. The median increase in the state was 40%. These

Denver Approves New Program for Landlords
Denver City Council has approved a new program that requires licensing for all landlords. The purpose of the program is to establish new renter protections and to better understand the number of rentals in the city. The bill was introduced

Spring Maintenance Tips from Pillar to Post
Spring is on the way, and that means it’s the perfect opportunity to get your home ready for the months to come. We asked the Scott Lunsford team of home inspectors from Pillar to Post for their top tips to
Property Tax Exemption
I am learning that there are some benefits to achieving “senior” status and one that all Colorado residents may not be aware of is the “Senior Property Tax Exemption”. For homeowners who qualify, 50% of the first $200,000 in the

2015 Property Tax Valuations
2015 brings with it the semi-annual property tax re-appraisal. All property owners should receive a Notice of Valuation in the mail by May 1st from the county in which they own property. Taking into account the market activity over the