Washed Ashore Exhibit at Denver Zoo
Have you visited the Denver Zoo recently? The next few months would be a great time for a return visit. The zoo is hosting a traveling exhibit entitled “Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea” through January 16, 2017. The exhibit consists of 15 giant sculptures of sea life. The sculptures are made almost entirely from trash collected on beaches by thousands of volunteers. The goal of this exhibit is to build awareness of the type and amount of trash, particularly plastics, that end up in our oceans. The sculptures all represent species such as marlins, sea lions and turtles that are directly impacted by marine debris.
This is an informative and visually powerful exhibit for children of all ages. Next to each sculpture is easily accessible information about the marine species, as well as a “Think Before You Buy” section with suggestions for ways people can reduce their dependence on plastic. Each sign also features a “scavenger hunt” type list so that viewers can locate all the objects used in the construction of each piece. Lots of flip flops, aluminum cans, plastic water bottles, plastic children’s toys and bottle caps of all sorts can be seen, as well as more unusual items like laundry baskets and toilet seats.
The red, white and blue sea star was created specifically to raise the public’s awareness of all the plastics used during our Fourth of July celebrations. People gather at lakes and beaches to watch firework displays, but unfortunately, thousands of pounds of plastic enter our waterways afterwards.
“Washed Ashore:Art to Save the Sea” offers a unique opportunity to enjoy our fabulous Denver Zoo, while also reflecting on ways each of us might make positive changes in our own purchasing and consumption habits that will benefit our oceans. Get more info for your visit at the Denver Zoo website and learn more about the Kick Plastic project here.