Summer Fun: Farmers’ Markets in Denver
Summertime in Colorado means the reappearance of farmers’ markets, with streets and sidewalks filled with walkers, bicyclists, and dogs on leashes, stalls with Colorado grown produce and buckets filled with seasonal flowers. Farmers’ markets provide the perfect opportunity for people watching, gourmet pastry sampling and some good deals on gorgeous fresh produce.
There are many farmers’ markets in the Denver area. One of the largest is the Cherry Creek Fresh Market, which is held on Saturdays at E. 1st Avenue and University. In downtown Denver, you can visit the Union Station Farmers’ Market, now in its second year and located in the plaza at the historic Union Station. This market is also open on Saturdays through October. If Sunday farmers’ markets work better for you, you can try The Farmers’ Market at Highlands Square or the Old South Pearl Street Farmers’ Market in the 1500 block of South Pearl Street.
The Pearl Street Market stretches on for several blocks and is packed with shoppers. Here you can certainly find fresh Colorado grown produce, but so much more. How about a massage at $1 a minute? Organic products of all kinds? The newest in healthy foods, such as kombucha, fermented foods, nut butters and power bars? Essential oils and dog treats? Goat cheeses and quinoa cups? Even heirloom pumpkin seeds, if heirloom pumpkin seed happen to be on your “must-have” list.
For those of us who generally get our groceries at a big box store, shopping at a farmers’ market is a time to treasure meeting local growers and artisan food producers, who are often quite passionate about their product. And, of course, there’s always the irresistible food samples…Honey BBQ popcorn, anyone?