Classic Denver Home Styles
Look out your window just about anywhere in Denver and you’ll see signs of new construction; cranes, fencing, and dumpsters are dotting the skylines and city streets. This makes now a great time to reflect on the classic architectural styles of Denver, and see if you can see their influence in the new homes being built in your neighborhood.
Victorian – Most of Denver’s Victorian homes were built between 1830 and 1910. These elaborate homes often feature bright colors and decorative trim. They are often two- or three-story structures with an impressive wrap-around porch and high-pitched roof. The design flourishes continue throughout the home with stained glass windows and intricate woodwork. Many historic Denver Victorians were built before Colorado officially became a state in 1876.
Denver Square – “American Foursquare” as it is known in the rest of the US, the Denver square was popular during the turn of the century. After the Silver crash, Denverites turned to this more modest and obviously, square, style. The Denver square is usually split in 4ths on each of its 1 to 2 floors and the simple layout makes them great fixer-uppers with many customization opportunities. Possibly the most recognizable attribute is its low-pitched roof shading a wide front porch, most also feature a dormer window.
Bungalow – The bungalow style is arguably the most prevalent in Denver neighborhoods. It became popular between 1900 and 1930 when many Americans were looking for simple homes they could afford on a modest budget. Built during the Craftsmen movement, these cozy homes feature a large front porch, an open floor plan, and are often only one story.

Tudor – The iconic Tudor style is easy to pick out on a block. The fairytale style rose in popularity in Denver in the 1920s and 1930s. With an asymmetrical shape and steeply pitched roof, they feature decorative half-timbering over brick or white stucco and large chimnies. Inside they feature grand entryways, arched doorways, and casement windows.
These are only a few of the many architectural styles that can be spotted in your neighborhood, what’s your favorite?